Yanxiao Liu(刘延骁)

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Yanxiao Liu
Final Year Ph.D. Candidate(2021.8 - 2025.7 (estimated))
Department of Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Contact: Email

About me

Before I join The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I received my B.Eng. degree in Electronic Information Engineering and minor degree in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) in 2021. From January 2024 to June 2024, I visited Stanford University, ISL Lab, hosted by Professor Ayfer Özgür and supported by CUHK PhD IMPAC Award 2023–24. I will graduate in summer 2025 and I am looking for postdoc positions.


Advisors: Professor Cheuk Ting Li and Professor Raymond W. Yeung

My research interests lie in network information theory and applications. With more details, I currently work on the following directons:

One-shot/Nonasymptotic Network Information Theory:

I prove one-shot achievability results, second-order results and asymptotic inner/outer bounds on classical network information theory problems. Currently, my primary focus is on lossy compression, channel simulation and interference channels.

My papers on this direction include: [Noisy Network Coding], [Information Hiding], [Oblivious Relaying], [Weighted Parity-Check Codes] and [Soft Polar Codes].

Distributed Learning, Privacy and Security:

I am interested in the theoretical understanding of machine learning problems through the application of information theory techniques. I am currently employing channel simulation techniques to distributed machine learning, differential privacy and generalization error bounds.

My papers on this direction include: [Compression of DP Mechanisms], [Information Bottleneck] and [Information Hiding].

Modern Wireless Communications:

I develop fundamental theory and low-complexity algorithms for large-scale networks in challenging environments. I also provide information-theoretic bounds on various multi-hop network settings, including noisy network coding, oblivious relaying and massive random access, and optimization frameworks over them.

My papers on this direction include: [Multiflow Optimization], [Noisy Network Coding], [Oblivious Relaying], [Massive Random Access] and Wireless Scheduling [a], [b], [c].


  • NeurIPS Scholar Award (2024)

  • ISIT Travel Award (2024)

  • CUHK PhD International Mobility for Partnerships and Collaborations Award (CUHK PhD IMPAC Award 2023–24).


  • Jan 2025: One paper has been submitted to ISIT 2025.

  • Dec 2024: I present our NeurIPS poster on Dec 13, Friday, 11:00 am, at Session 5 West.

  • Nov 2024: One paper has been submitted to Transactions on Information Theory.

  • Sep 2024: One paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2024 ([poster] and [Slides])

  • Jul 2024: One paper has been accepted by ITW 2024.

  • May 2024: One paper has been accepted by Transactions on Information Theory.